Pivot with Purpose: The Path to A Fulfilling Career Shift
Sometimes, we just slide into a career. Either we had an internship in that company, or a referral from a friend or our parents guided us to a career that we did not really like. Or simply, we just needed money and started with the first opportunity which came along. Quite often, this is the easiest path. This is fine. I did the same. I just knew typewriting and wanted to earn my own money, to not burden my family. So, I started as a secretary. Also, the freedom of earning your own funds is so rewarding. You feel great. You don’t even realize that you don’t like the job. Your priorities are different. After some years though, it starts to dawn on you. You start to feel frustrated, unsatisfied and every little challenge at work becomes a big burden. This is the time to start thinking about shifting. Whatever the reason was, for you to have started in this profession, in this company, at that time, it was the correct decision. Now it is not.
In this article, you will find some tips for a fulfilling career shift.
Is It Time for A Change?
You have the liberty and freedom to change. It is easier said than done of course. You might have responsibilities, expenses, family, and many other circumstances that might make you think that you cannot simply change the job. Correct. You can not simply change.
On top of that, you might not even know which profession you like, or which industry you want to move into, and you have been away from the current professional landscape for many years. How to start? How to change your career with purpose?
You start with your why, with the impact or legacy you want to leave behind.
First step. Destination Me!
Why? Because you first need to understand yourself before you can make a skilful decision. Some reflective prompts:
Identify the times when you were the happiest.
What were you doing? Were you with other people? If so, who?
Identify the times when you were most proud.
Why were you proud? Did other people share your pride? If so, who?
Identify a time when you were most fulfilled and satisfied.
What need or desire do you think was fulfilled?
How and why do you think the experience gave your career/life purpose?
What other factors possibly contributed to your feelings of fulfilment?
First, create a path for yourself and then plan the steps..
Create Your Personal Map
We need to be more mindful about what exactly we want. We have worked already for some years and gained valuable experience. A job change is not easy and should not be made in a rush. With the reflective prompts above, you will gain clarity on your passion, your strengths and your values. This will help you create your personal map.
You can draw it, write it or type it up. It is you, who decides.
Why is this so important? Knowing yourself. It is important to understand who you really are, what your strengths are and what is important to you in life. It is essential to identify the impact that you would like to have in your new job.
Like a mission statement for yourself.
The last thing we would like to achieve with this exercise is for you to slide into a different job or organisation, that still does not bring you fulfilment. Investing time in identifying your values can be an extremely beneficial step. Once you know your values, it is easier for you to create your professional goal.
The SMARTER goals:
Specific The GOAL: I want to accomplish…
Measurable The WHEN: I will know I have met this goal by when…
Achievable The HOW: I can see myself achieving this goal by utilizing my…
Relevant The WHY: It is important for me to accomplish this goal now because…
Time-bound The PLAN: My target date for reaching my goal is…
Exciting It needs to be more fire in your heart.
Record Your goal and your reward, success, and keep a success journal
Be brutally honest with yourself. At the same time have mercy and compassion for yourself. These are only the first steps.
15 Questions to Ask Yourself for Your Career Change
In which industry or profession, can you use your strengths and your passion?
What is the % of your full potential that you can use in this domain?
What is the reason?
What is so exciting about this profession or industry?
What do you like the most/least about it?
What other options do you have?
Did you try it out?
What did you find out?
What have you done so far to better understand the work landscape?
What did you find out?
What else did you do?
What can you do differently to increase your understanding?
Who can support you?
When are you going to start?
How can you move and navigate into the domain you have identified?
You start with your why, with the impact or legacy you want to leave behind. Then you come up with a map and the steps to take to get to your destination. Remember, you are the CEO of your career.
Written by Hulya Kurt Career, Family & Adolescent Coach
Photo credit: Unsplash