Suppressed Emotions.
When we suppress any feeling, we open up to the possibility of becoming emotionally reactive next time that same feeling is triggered.
Pushing down anger, for example, causes resentment to build up and when the level of our resentment reaches its peak, we risk exploding with rage at those around us, and, as it frequently occurs, for a minor detail.
Exploding with rage has far reaching consequences and a truly destructive energy; it alienates people around us and it is linked to verbal and physical violence.
Witnessing our own violent behavior gives rise to feelings of self-judgment causing guilt, self-dislike, and even self-hatred. Self-hatred is a deep emotion causing psychological damage and it sets the ground for self-rejection, leading to depression and serious acts of self-aggression and suicide.
Repeated violence often triggers violence in return breaking families apart and destroying relationships. It gives rise to psychological trauma.
Such was my own traumatic childhood experience being a witness to and a receiver of both, verbal and physical violence.
When we “swallow” anger, disappointment, and rejection, for instance, believing time will heal the wound, we close our hearts and make it difficult for compassion to flow through us.
Forgiving is then impossible, or not genuine, denying us the possibility for reconciliation, for inner peace, for saving relationships and whole families.
I have worked with people who suffered from rage, their own verbal violent behavior, then lost people they loved, went through divorces, experienced broken families, depression, and suicidal thoughts. All this because of unhealed childhood trauma and unexpressed unpleasant emotions…
My father lost his two younger brothers during the war, they were only little children… Stephen and Julia were bullied in school for many years… Martin experienced shame in his adolescence … Rodrigo was rejected by his love and married a “safe partner” …
YET, the good news is that there are beautifully healing modalities that help release all suppressed emotions linked to unprocessed traumas. I have healed and so can you.
Written by Monika Maj, Emotions, Stress & Burnout Healer
Photo credit: Monika Maj