Emotions, Stress & Burnout Healing
Emotional Overwhelm and Chronic Stress’ root causes originate in most cases from hurtful events from the past and from generational trauma, like verbal and physical violence in childhood, neglect, rejection, destructive criticism, loss, bullying, illness, or poverty. When left unprocessed, all this hurt leads to unhealthy beliefs about oneself and others, causing us to behave in auto-destructive ways. We close our hearts and minds sabotaging our potential, relationships, vocational fulfilment, happiness, and health. Suffering from unhealed emotional wounds and believing that we are unworthy, unlovable, ugly, not smart enough, or that the world is dangerous, is like being in a high-stress response all the time. Chronically stressed, we never truly relax. Chronic stress (whether conscious or subconscious) is energy-depleting and a root cause of mental and physical illness, like burnout or heart attacks.
As a strong empath who has fully recovered from deep burnout, I integrate compassion and self-love into soul-mind-body healing methods, hypnotherapy, energy healing and conflict transformation tools. All these wonderful modalities resolved with ease and grace my own emotional wounds from childhood linked to a deep feeling of being unworthy, unlovable, and unattractive.
I was able to release my inner critic and transform self-sabotaging behaviours like unhealthy boundaries, over-giving, body bashing and comparison, into self-care and self-compassion. I replaced fear, anxiety, and self-disbelief with faith, inner peace, self-love and self-worth. I changed my vocation, re-married, and have a 10-year-old daughter.
I now know we all are lovable, beautiful, and magical. Since 2009, I have been helping others transform their lives to manifest similar results to mine. Each healing session has been beautifully liberating and transformational. It has brought deep stress release and emotional relief to all of my clients, making space for feelings of inner peace, love, joy, and bliss.
I would be honoured to work with you! Blessings, Monika
Master of Advanced Studies in Peace & Conflict Transformation from the University of Basel
Hypnotherapist trained by Paul McKenna from Mindvalley
Be Body Positive Facilitator & Treatment Provider from The Body Positive Institute
ThetaHealing practitioner, Energy Healing Modality from Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge
Restorative Circles, Community Conflict Transformation Modality, CNC from The French-Swiss Center for Nonviolent Communication
ENSA Mental Health First Aid: Focus Adults from Pro Mente Sana Foundation
Languages: English & Polish
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