Beyond All Form
Beyond All Form
I am.
Multidimensional of Spirit fume
Like silky veil guarding you
Channeling God when starved for All Love
I am.
and hence
So beyond and so much more
Than mere physical form
Yet fusing with Lust
Soul healing with Touch
Manifesting Stars
As children of ours
Magically vibrant
but still to the eye
Mother to the skies
So absorb my forms in their formless beauty
Let be it your Joy
Let be it your Duty
Beyond All Form
I am.
I used to objectify myself. I used to reject my own beauty. I was formed to think my body was supposed to be perfect (whatever this means now) and until it isn’t, I shall not see any beauty in it....
This poem is about the true beauty we all possess. About the truth of who we are- caring divine multidimensional beings dwelling in these magnificent magic-making bodies. We are no body parts, no body shapes, no body types, sizes, nor colours.
We are the space and grace where the physical fuses with the spiritual, the mental marries the emotional, the soft loves the hard...
We are never ugly, it is impossible. We are fascinatingly beautiful inclusive of, and beyond, all FORM. #bodypositive #beauty #spiritualhealing #objectification #loveyourbody #bodydysmorphia #thepeaceagent
Written by Monika Maj, Emotions, Stress & Burnout Healer
Photo credit: Monika Maj