How to be a Good Friend to Yourself

The first and most important step is to realize and truly acknowledge that unless you take care of yourself nobody else can or will. When I say, “truly acknowledge”, I mean that you have accepted the following:

  • There is always another choice; to do, or not to do / to say, or not to say!

  • You are comfortable – saying “no” when necessary, knowing a “yes” does not serve you / is going to take something from you; time, energy, emotional stability.

  • You recognize when you have allowed yourself to slip into “victim mode”, have stayed there too long, and are ready to take your power back.

  • You know how to make, create, or find the time for yourself, and on the occasions when there simply is no time … you know to do a couple of minutes of deep breathing!

These are a few examples, expressed in simple terms: You have taken charge of your life, know your Values and maintain your Personal Power. You can live your life … it does not have to be living you!

As an independent adult, you have become the “director” of your life. If you are feeling stressed, one of the simplest yet most effective ways to reduce the tension is to spend some time doing something that involves your senses. Look out of the window, take a walk, listen to music, sing, do something creative, draw, bake, cook, garden, pot a plant, take a bath and light some candles, buy some flowers, look at nature, or revisit a long forgotten hobby – to name just a few options. Taking a few breaths does not take a long time, but does 'break the energy of the stressful/challenging moment. Once the energy is broken you can think more clearly to deal with the issue. 

Whenever possible take a break from technology, even if only for one hour. If that is not possible, try 10 minutes during which you turn off your computer, your phone, TV, etc. If you cannot go outside, then look out of the window at the sky. Regardless of the weather, the sky can be inspiring and energizing.
Here are some helpful suggestions to ask yourself:

  1. Think about what exactly it is you are doing when you feel happy, fulfilled, at peace, nurtured.

  2. If you cannot come up with an answer … think back to a day or event that you enjoyed, that made you feel good.

  3. Use your imagination and senses to remember what that felt like.

  4. What can you draw from that feeling now? Might you be able to do it again? For example, were you outside, talking with a friend, eating something wonderful, sitting still, appreciating a view…? If it were not possible to do any of those things right now, what is possible right now that would be good for you?

  5. Can you take a walk, soak in the bath, listen to some music, talk to a friend, observe nature, do something creative or anything you do not normally do or have time for?

  6. Even 5 minutes will make a difference. You do not need to have all day to be kind to yourself.

  7. Do one thing a day … however small.

Written by: Suzie Doscher, Executive Coach for Personal Development and Self-Help Author.

Photo Credit: Pexels


Take a Break To Invest in Yourself


On Environment